Jerry Jackson

Archive for October, 2011|Monthly archive page

US Taxpayers Could Pay For European Bailout

In Economics, Human Rights, Police State, Society on October 19, 2011 at 8:17 pm

The U.S. is coming to Europe’s financial rescue.

Europe Bailout

Dollars for Euros

So far, America’s role is fairly limited. But if thecrisis continues to grow and the U.S. takes on a wider role, U.S. consumers and taxpayers could feel a bigger impact. The biggest exposure could come from America’s status as the single largest source of money for the International Monetary Fund.
The latest round of American financial assistance came Thursday with a promise by the Federal Reserve to swap as many dollars for euros as European bankers need. In the short run, those transactions won’t have much impact because the central banks are simply swapping currencies of equal value. If the move helps avert a wider crisis, it could help spare the global economy from another recession.

But over the long term, consumers could feel the impact of central bankers flooding the financial system with cash, according to John Ryding, chief economist at RDQ Economics.

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