Jerry Jackson

Posts Tagged ‘Florida’

Bank of America Gets Pad Locked After Homeowner Forecloses On It

In Activism, Big Business, Economics, Human Rights, Police State, Society on June 6, 2011 at 4:00 am

Collier County, Florida — Have you heard the one about a homeowner foreclosing on a bank?

Well, it has happened in Florida and involves a North Carolina based bank.

Instead of Bank of America foreclosing on some Florida homeowner, the homeowners had sheriff’s deputies foreclose on the bank.

It started five months ago when Bank of America filed foreclosure papers on the home of a couple, who didn’t owe a dime on their home.

Watch Exclusive Video : Bank of America Gets Pad Locked After Homeowner Forecloses On It

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Short Life Expectancy for BP Whistleblowers?

In Activism, Big Business, Human Rights, Society on April 25, 2011 at 6:59 am

Pat Shannan
American Free Press
April 23, 2011

The investigation, if it can properly be so called, of the unsolved murder of the former high ranking Pentagon official and presidential advisor John P. Wheeler III, who was also an expert on chemical and biological weapons, may be taking a turn in the direction of the Gulf of Mexico oil spill.

Wheeler, 67, a West Point grad, was beaten and thrown into a garbage dumpster. His body was discovered in a Wilmington, Del. landfill last New Year’s weekend. Both police detectives and news commentators described it as “an apparent hit,” but little else was ever learned, and no suspects have surfaced.

There was great speculation by many at the time that Wheeler had begun to blow the whistle on the mysterious bird and fish deaths in Arkansas and Texas, and was about to expose the facts tying this to the chemtrails seen in our skies over the past decade.

Now the speculation may be reverting to British Petroleum and the gulf spill because a number of other BP whistle blowing scientists, before and since the Wheeler murder, have also died mysteriously, been jailed on questionable charges or disappeared without a trace.

Matthew Simmons, 67, a former energy advisor to President George W. Bush and admired among survivalist groups for his dire warnings on the upcoming commodity and fuel shortages about to hit this nation, died in his hot tub in Maine last August. Simmons had been gaining popularity as a whistle blower for blaming BP for its covered-up responsibility in defacing and vandalizing the Gulf of Mexico while hiding the truth from the general public.

Only four days later, Ted Stevens, the 87-year-old defrocked senator from Alaska, said to have received communications regarding BP’s faulty blowout preventer, perished in a plane crash. British Petroleum had donated $1 million to the University of Alaska to catalog the papers from Stevens’s long political career.

Roger Grooters began a cross country bike ride in Oceanside, Calif. on Sept. 10 to draw attention to the Gulf Coast oil disaster. On Oct. 6, in front of the horrified eyes of his wife, who was trailing in a support vehicle, Grooters was struck by a truck and killed instantly in Panama City, Fla.

Only a month later, Dr. Geoffrey Gardner of Lakeland, Fla. disappeared. He was investigating the unexplained bird deaths near Sarasota that are suspected to have been caused by the BP oil disaster. No one has heard from or spoken with him since.

On Nov. 15, Chitra Chaunhan was found dead of cyanide poisoning in a Temple Terrace, Fla. hotel. It was officially ruled a suicide. She worked in the Center for Biological Defense and Global Health Infectious Disease Research and left behind a husband and five-year-old child.

The following week, James Patrick Black, director of operations for BP’s restoration organization for the oil spill, died near Destin, Fla. in a small plane crash.

Dr. Thomas B. Manton was one of the first to warn the public that far more oil than what BP had reported was gushing into the gulf every day and that the massive, toxic oil and chemical plumes would travel up the eastern seaboard, contaminating beaches and wildlife all the way.

“Once the winds change, it will come eastward and pollute the beaches of the west coast of Florida, and the ‘loop current’ could carry this oil spill right around Florida, through the Florida Keys and pollute the east coast of Florida as well,” Manton wrote on May 28, 2010.

Dr. Tom Termotto, national coordinator of the Gulf Oil Spill Remediation Conference, says Manton was murdered in prison. Manton had been sentenced to 15 years last August on a phony child pornography charge. Termotto and others say evidence was planted on his computer.

It is not known whether or not Anthony Nicholas Tremonte, 31, posed any threat to BP, but he too was arrested in January and charged with one count of possession of child pornography. Was this charge also faked? As an officer with the Mississippi Department of Marine Resources on the Gulf Coast, he may have known enough to qualify him for membership in this exclusive series of coincidences. He faces up to 40 years in prison if convicted.

Pat Shannan is a contributing editor of American Free Press. He is also the author of several videos and books including One in a Million: An IRS TravestyI Rode With Tupperand Everything They Ever Told Me Was a Lie. All of Pat’s books are available from FIRST AMENDMENT BOOKS. Call 2025475585 for availability and pricing.

The Mysterious Deaths of Nine Gulf Oil Spill Whistleblowers

BP Whistleblowers
April 23, 2011

In the past year, nine vocal critics or potential whistleblowers of the Gulf oil spill all died in extremely mysterious ways. Their deaths could be strange, unrelated coincidences. Or they could have been killed as part of a conspiracy to silence those who were speaking out against the worst oil spill in American history.
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The blog post:

Links to each individual case under question:

Professor Greg Stone

Officer Anthony Nicholas Tremonte…

Dr. Thomas B. Manton

John P. Wheeler II

James Patrick Black

USF biologist Chitra Chauhan…

Roger Grooters…

Senator Ted Stevens…

Matthew Simmons

Joseph Morrissey…

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Sen. Graham voices support for restrictions on free speech

In Human Rights, Internet Censorship, Military, Police State, Society on April 5, 2011 at 6:29 am

Lindsey Graham, member of the United States Se...

Image via Wikipedia

COLUMBIA (WACH) — Senator Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) is drawing national attention stemming from controversial comments he made this weekend seemingly calling on Congress to impose limits on free speech.

Graham said on CBS Face the Nation Sunday that the need to protect U.S. servicemembers overseas may justify limiting of political speech at home.

“I wish we could find some way to hold people accountable,” said Graham. “Free speech is a great idea, but we’re in a war. During World War II you had limits on what you could do if it inspired the enemy.”

Graham’s comments follow the burning of a Quran by Florida pastor Terry Jones, who said he organized the burning to “stir the pot.” The burning of the Islam holy book sparked rioting in Afghanistan, where at least seven people had been killed over the weekend as protests erupted again Monday for the fourth straight day.

Graham’s comments about limiting free speech to discourage violent protests were quickly picked up by multiple national media outlets including PoliticoMediaite and The Atlantic.

What do you think about Senator Graham’s comments? Is limiting free expression sometimes justified to protest U.S. troops overseas, or is the Senator’s oath to preserve and protect the Constitution more important? Please leave your comments below.

Watch Sen. Graham’s comments on CBS Face the Nation.

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Motorists illegally detained at Florida tolls – for using large bills

In Human Rights, Society on March 7, 2011 at 12:11 am

Homestead Extension of Florida's Turnpike

Image via Wikipedia

Tampa, Florida –Meet Joel Chandler, who just paid his $1.00 toll on the Polk Parkway with a $100 bill, he is not allowed to leave unless he provides personal info to the toll taker. The toll taker tells Chandler this is what happens when they get large bills. She says this is what they have to do.

WTSP 10 News [Video] Motorists Illegally Detained:

Chandler says to the toll taker, “So I’m being detained?” She says yes sir.

It is a policy the Florida Turnpike authority instituted for people who paid with $20, $50 or $100 bills. After it happened once, Chandler kept testing the system and taped his encounters as he went through the toll booths.

One time a toll taker told him, she wouldn’t give him his change unless he gave her the information. Read full article

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