Jerry Jackson

Archive for the ‘Japan’ Category

Media Silent About Plutonium Contamination of Japanese Rice

In Fukushima, Japan, Human Rights, Japan, Society, World News on May 18, 2011 at 11:42 pm

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The Japanese Business Press reported on May 14 that a rice field more than 50 kilometers away from the
Fukushima nuclear plant has tested for high levels of deadly plutonium. A “certain food manufacturing company”
conducted the independent test that reported data different from data the Japanese government released,
according to a translation of the news article.

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The corporate media outside of Japan did not mention the test or the increased radiation affecting the staple
crop. Since the start of the disaster, the corporate media has parroted statements from TEPCO and the Japanese
government in its coverage of the worst nuclear catastrophe since Chernobyl.

In addition, the corporate media has all but ignored extremely high levels of nuclear radioactive contamination
recently detected in Japan. “The latest joint US and Japan survey shows extremely high levels of nuclear
radioactive contamination, with radiation levels higher than Chernobyl evacuation limits, now span over 800
kilometers in Japan,” writes Alexander Higgins.

Continue reading “Media silent about plutonium contamination of Japanese rice“.

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Nuclear weather worsens

In Fukushima, Japan, Human Rights, Japan, Police State, Society, World News on April 21, 2011 at 8:40 pm

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Mark Sircus., AC, OMD
April 21, 2011
Every day the news gets worse. Today it was robots telling us that radiation is so hot inside the nuclear plant in Japan that workers will have a hard to impossible time to work in certain areas to recover the plant from worst case scenarios. Radiation levels are just heading up across the board and across continents. Sunday morning the news was so bad that I didn’t know what to do or write.
I could try screaming but I am not the type…or crying, well that comes almost too easily. Perhaps I am crazy. After all, Ann Coulter got on TV and actually said, “The only good news is that anyone exposed to excess radiation from the nuclear power plants is now probably much less likely to get cancer.” And Dr. Josef Oehmen, a research scientist at MIT, said, “I repeat, there was and will *not* be any significant release of radioactivity from the damaged Japanese reactors.”

I wrote some pretty crass words the other day to begin an essay:
Avoiding exposure and radiation-induced diseases might come down to, I am terribly sorry to say, running for our lives. Anyone who cannot accept this is the reality millions of Japanese face is probably not worth saving so let them consume all the milk and unwashed leafy vegetables they can.
I got two probably well-deserved complaints about it. I allowed myself the expression as my first lines in a terrible document about the worsening situation in Japan and I could feel my anger building about the insensitivity of our world civilization and its institutions.
My editors also allowed me the expression and still I don’t know how to express it differently, not really. My heart keeps crying silently for my friends and family in America. I mean I know how everyone must feel knowing that radiation exposure will very shortly be drizzling into most places in North America and the rest of the hemispheric north 24/7. Today, if you look at the maps, mid-range levels of radiation are hitting the west coast. The forecast for April 19 looked like this:

Nuclear Weather Diagram

Weather Diagram


How I’m supposed to be real and not use four-letter words is a mystery to my heart this second. Tell me how am I to feel saying something like that. What kind of being would take pleasure in making such aradioactive weather forecast? How many fathers are sitting on the beach, like I was yesterday with four of my six kids, looking out from the point furthest east in all the Americas, the point closest to Africa, and see about 2,000 miles away the leading edge of the nuclear pollution hitting a back draft from northern Africa. And my wife is attached to our life here in this great sea city and does not want to move to Sanctuary in the interior.

I have to be upset for I have to make sure everyone in the house, and that’s a lot of people, are taking their iodine way out in advance of any incoming iodine radiation. Down here that really will not be a problem because of its very short half-life. After three months there is very little left but all the other nuclear particles will have no problem eventually finding their way down here to the southern hemisphere. Just look at what has been from one month of exposure to the north. Look at these maps repeatedly for effect! That is unless you prefer to drink some milk with some radiation. I don’t think any of my readers would want to but I am not so sure about all the people who buy the mainstream news hook, line and sinker.

There are plenty who are saying radiation is good for you and probably are planning on going to the northeast of Japan instead of the Dead Sea to bathe in the healing waters. Well perhaps not, but remember, there have been a lot of important people running around for decades saying that nuclear energy is safe and use it all the time to treat and diagnose disease.

Even radioactive iodine is pumped into people by doctors, so hurray for the nuclear disaster, bring on some more, which might be coming if you look at what is happening in terms of increasing earthquake and volcanic activity. So yes, I am sorry, but I will stick to my guns. There are people on this planet I would say go ahead, drink the milk and consume lots of big leafy vegetables — it might save them a trip to Japan!

Meanwhile for all those who think: okay, well it’s only four or five nuclear reactors out of control and only a few nuclear pools with older spent nuclear rods melting, but we should be able to handle that right? Remember the other day when Dr. Michio Kaku said all it would take is one thing like a pipe breaking or another earthquake to make this situation even more catastrophic than it already is? Look at this video about seismic activity in the world.

Twisted Medical Establishment Lost on Radiation Issues

How are the good doctors of the world going to deal with medical insanity and pharmaceutical terrorism now? One of the reasons the medical establishment is incapable of responding to the nuclear threat and the spreading contamination from Japan (that is circling around the globe) is that it is an institution that loves to use radioactive iodine, a substance that causes cancer, to treat cancer. Sounds kind of crazy and it is. Many patients are getting a thyroid cancer treatment that kills thyroid tissue, causing harm to other tissues while at the same time actually increasing the potential for thyroid cancer.

According to a new study published in Cancer, researchers are fingering doctors who are treating patients with early-stage, low-risk thyroid cancer using radioactive iodine, whichdoes not increase their chances of surviving but does instead put them at risk for a secondary cancer. “Our study shows that these low-risk patients do not need radioactive iodine,” Dr. Ian Ganly, one of the study’s authors from Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in New York, told Reuters Health “Therefore there is no need to expose these patients to any risk from (radioactive iodine) treatment,” he said in an email.

The American Thyroid Association endorses the use of radioactive iodine even though it alsocauses cancer of the salivary gland — where radioactive iodine may accumulate — as well asleukemia. Dr. Ganly said the risk of leukemia increases because radioactive iodine circulates in the blood, thus exposing bone marrow to its tissue-killing effects.

Don’t be totally surprised if they announce that radioactive iodine from the out-of-control nuclear plant is good for the public and will save money because then patients will not need to pay for their radioactive iodine medications. The radioactive iodine taken in from the air,water and food will find its way into everyone’s thyroids saving oncologists the trouble. Excuse my heavy sarcasm this morning; it’s difficult to stay even-keeled as I write.

There are people and doctors who have said the little bit of mercury found in the flu and other vaccines is good for kids but, lo and behold, I read this morning that Poul Thorsen, the principal coordinator of multiple studies funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) who used to deny a vaccine/autism link, was indicted on April 13th on 13 counts of fraud and 9 counts of money-laundering. The charges relate to funding for work he conducted for the CDC that claimed to disprove associations between the mercury-basedvaccine preservative, thimerosal, and increased rates of autism.

Now anyone with a cow’s worth of sense would have understood that a strong neurotoxin like mercury was a strong neurotoxin. Gee people, don’t you see how retarded ignorance rules in the CDC, FDA, AMA, WHO and dozens of other medical organizations? Stupid does not quite cover it does it? Now we know it’s criminal, it’s greed, and it’s the politics of power and darkness on earth at its best.

Why should we be alarmed about nuclear fallout of radioactive iodine? Doctors use it so why should we be afraid of breathing it, eating it or taking it for breakfast in our milk and coffee? And why take nutritional iodine? It will only interfere with the uptake of the radioactive type! That’s what oncologists seem to want and it seems that is why these are the last people on earth we should trust during a nuclear crisis.

Dr. Edward Golembe, who directs a hyperbaric oxygen chamber at Brookdale University Hospital in Brooklyn, said he had treated serious radiation injuries to the jaw and called them “a horrible, horrible thing to see.” When we deal with radiation we deal with death for it is the death principle that doctors are trying to harness with terrible results. Most people who employ radiation in their treatments for cancer suffer horribly, but some worse than others.

Just being alive today is to walk through the valley of the shadow of death in terms of radiation exposure. Background radiation on earth has increased in the nuclear age coming from all the above-ground testing of the last century, nuclear plants, nuclear waste, uraniummining, and from depleted uranium weapons that are commonly used in the American, British and Israeli armies and navies and air forces. In addition there is constant and increasing exposure to other forms of radiation from microwave towers, cell phones, wireless phones and computer systems.

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Fukushima Exposure Levels Going Up Everywhere

In Fukushima, Japan, Japan on April 16, 2011 at 11:54 pm

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“Radiation is continuing to leak out of the reactors, the situation is not stable at all, radiation continues to leak,” says Dr. Michio Kaku, professor of theoretical physics at the City University of New York and top graduate of Harvard. “We are looking at a ticking timebomb. It appears stable but the slightest disturbance, a secondary earthquake, a pipe break, evacuation of the crew at Fukishima could set off a full scale melt down at three nuclear power stations–far beyond what we saw at Chernobyl.”
Aftershocks rattling Japan after the nation’s record quake on March 11 may continue for at least six months, increasing the risk of damage to a crippled nuclear plant at the center of the worst nuclear crisis since Chernobyl. “Aftershocks as big as magnitude-7 are likely to continue hitting in eastern and northern Japan for at least six months,” said Teruyuki Kato, a professor at the University of Tokyo’s Earthquake Research Institute.
This is the main scientist to listen to and it’s worthwhile to watch his most recent statements on the video. Radioactive contamination from the Fukushima power plant has been carried around the world and far out to sea and if current estimates and the situation do not worsen we already will have 10 percent of Chernobyl’s radiation spreading around the globe and it looks like each and every month we will see another 10 percent of another Chernobyl’s worth of radiation released to contaminate the world further. Dr. Kaku says his family is already leaving Tokyo because they don’t believe the statements of the Japanese utility because they have consistently low-balled the dangers, as has everyone else.

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Dr. Chris Busby, another physicist says there is a rage in the people in Tokyo and he now predicts based on his calculations that 800,000 people out of about 8 million who live within 200 kilomters of the plant will contract cancer if they are not moved out. Dr. Kaku still advises entombment in a giant slab of concrete, with 5000 tons of cement, sand and boric acid but if that ever happens it will be months away and take a huge effort that would take many more months.
Dr. Kaku says that the, “Tepco utility people are outclassed and overwhelmed and should be removed from their positions. They are “making it up as they go along,” he says of the efforts of engineers to get this disaster under some control” He too says, “We would see increases in leukemias and thyroid cancers from the massive amounts of radioactive iodine being released.”
The operator of Japan’s tsunami-flooded nuclear power complex was seeking ways Thursday to pull damaged spent fuel rods out of a storage pool at one of its reactors, citing surging radiation and elevated temperatures as worrisome signs.
These two physicists are the men to monitor if you want a real assesment of the level seven nuclear disaster. With each passing week the words “safe”, “low levels”, “not harmful” will all lose their meaning as the more massive amounts of radiation are released. Six months from now it will be a different world with several open fission processes happening in multiple reactors.
“This accident has already released something on the order of 50,000 trillion becquerels of radiation. You do the math. That puts it right smack in the middle of a level 7 nuclear accident,” said Kaku.
NISA and Japan’s Nuclear Safety Commission (NSC) estimate that 370,000 – 630,000 terabecquerels of radioactive materials have been released from Units 1, 2 and 3. One terabecquerel equals one trillion becquerels.
Br. Busby, who is Scientific Secretary of the European Committee on Radiation Risk, calculated two weeks ago radiation levels two weeks ago. “Since the official International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) figures for the Fukushima contamination are from 200 to 900kBq.sq meter out to 78km from the site, we can expect between 22% and 90% increases in cancer in people living in these places in the next 10 years. The UN definition of radioactively contaminated land is 37kBq/sq metre. Since the IAEA data show that these levels of contamination, from 200,000 to 900,000 disintegrations per second per square meter, exist up to 78km from Fukushima, we can already calculate that the contamination is actually worse than Chernobyl, not 1% of Chernobyl. For the area defined by a 78km radius is 19113 sq km compared to the Chernobyl exclusion zone of 2827 sq km. About seven times greater.”
In the next month we will see a repeat or perhaps an intensification of the radiation being put out into the environment—as the melting nuclear materials continue to break through barriers. Radiation emitted will continue for an indeterminate period – at least months, maybe years—many many years.
Raw fission in the open environment is a possibility that humanity is going to have to learn how to live with. If the worst case happens—as is happening—then it will be open hunting season on everyone in the nuclear power industry as well as on politicians who have allowed them to be swayed, pressured or bribed to swear to the safety of nuclear insanity. This could be the fire pit of hell brought to earth that will finally expose the toxic monsters of the modern world for who and what they are. Making money as they have done and continue to do through the massive use of poisonous substances, nuclear or chemical, they have compromised their souls and their right to exist among more sensitive compassionate beings.
There is nothing more urgent in the field of medicine then us getting a handle on the best ways to eliminate heavy metals, radiation contamination and other toxic poisons from the body. The most obvious way of course is to reduce exposure. Sometimes to avoid toxic exposure we have to move out of a moldy house, out of a city heavily laden with air pollution or even out of a country if one plans on living a long and healthy life. If humans keep up with their intense poisoning of this planet it might mean going off the planet or burrowing deep into the ground.

Avoiding exposure is not always possible when it
comes to nuclear radiation, mercury and microwaves.
The Japanese government is making a fatal mistake leaving millions of citizens too close to the exposure of the badly leaking atomic plant. Their direction to just stay indoors is not an effective and certainly not a permanent way to avoid exposure. It is understandable why they would resist removing millions from their homes but in this case it is the only way to avoid exposure and resultant radiation sickness.
How secure should we feel about the evolving situation? Dr. Kaku couldn’t make it any more frank when he said, “Fukushima is about as stable as “hanging by your fingernails off a cliff, and they’re beginning to break one by one.”
Radioactive Iodine -131
China’s Ministry of Health said today April 13, that radioactive isotope iodine-131 had been detected in various kinds of vegetables in 12 provincial regions. The radioactive isotope was found in spinach, asparagus, lettuce, cabbage, Chinese cabbage and other vegetables in Beijing, Tianjin, Hebei, Shanghai, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Shandong, Henan, Hunan, Guangdong, Guangxi and Hainan, according to a statement from the ministry.
The risks associated with iodine-131 contamination in Europe are no longer “negligible,” according to CRIIRAD, a French research body on radioactivity. The NGO is advising pregnant women and infants against “risky behavior,” such as consuming fresh milk or vegetables with large leaves. In response to thousands of inquiries from citizens concerned about fallout from the Fukushima nuclear disaster in Europe, CRIIRAD has compiled an information package on the risks of radioactive iodine-131 contamination in Europe.
fter the radioactive cloud emanating from Japan’s stricken Fukushima nuclear power plant reached Europe in late March, CRIIRAD, a French research body on radioactivity, an NGO, said it had detected radioactive iodine-131 in rainwater in south-eastern France. In parallel testing, the French Institute for Radiological Protection and Nuclear Safety (IRSN), the national public institution monitoring nuclear and radiological risks, found iodine 131 in milk. In normal times, no trace of iodine-131 should be detectable in rainwater or milk. Radiation monitors in Canada, in Ontario, New Brunswick and British Columbia have also detected radioactive iodine.
In the United States EPA data show rising levels of Iodine-131, Cesium-134, and Cesium-137 up to 300% of maximum limits. Hawaii milk samples showed radiation 800% above normal for Cesium-134, 633% for Cesium-137, and 600% for Iodine-131. Water contamination measured over 20 times acceptable levels. Mainland amounts are also rising, including in air, soil, grass, milk, spinach, strawberries, and other foods.
Milk is especially important as it suggests the health of the entire food supply because cows eat grass. When grass is contaminated, so is everything grown in the same soil.
At least 14 US cities reported unsafe radiation amounts in drinking water. However, EPA is only testing for Iodine-131, not Cesium, Uranium or Plutonium, all emitted from Fukushima. Several radiation monitoring stations throughout Spain have recorded increases in the concentration of iodine and cesium in the air coming from Japan. Same goes for France.
One does not want to wait for the medical authorities on the iodine issue. One has to act quickly to protect their thyroid and the thyroids especially of children. A major cloud of radioactive Iodine 131 has recently passed over South Korea and is now passing just about everywhere else in the northern hemisphere.
Medical and health authorities, it seems, want all pregnant women, babies and children to be unduly exposed to radioactive iodine just because of their phobia and medical conditioning against nutritional iodine supplementation. The entire contemporary medical establishment is abandoning its fundamental mission and pledge to protect the public and their patients against harm when medically possible.
We have lots of information from Russia about the use of iodine to protect the thyroid. In Poland the use of iodine dosages was found to highly protect children’s thyroids from cancer. The risk for cancer of the thyroid is much greater in children requiring much lower exposure to I-131 than it does for adults. Same goes for pregnant women or lactating women.
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It is a good time to remember Dr. Jeff Patterson’s words, former president of Physicians for Social Responsibility. “There is no safe level of radionuclide exposure, whether from food, water or other sources. Period! Exposure to radionuclides, such as Iodine-131 and Cesium-137, increases the risk of cancer. For this reason, every effort must be taken to minimize the radionuclide content in food and water.”
Personal Note: In the next 48 hours I will submit to my staff a 2nd edition of my iodine book, which will be strongly oriented to the entire issue of iodine as an essential nutrient to protect from radioactive iodine contamination of the thyroid and other glands that have a large uptake of iodine under normal conditions. The situation is guaranteed to get worse so do not wait for the medical authorities on the iodine issue. For parents waiting means vastly increasing the chance of watching your children die of thyroid cancer! Do I need to say that any stronger? Reliable, affordable business hosting from Yahoo! Web Hosting
It is not a good time to be caught like deer in the headlights nor have our heads stuck in the sand about iodine or anything else that affects our survival. The essential action is to get iodine into our bodies and it does not have to be “potassium iodide.” It can also be in the form of Nascent Iodine, which is a 2% formulation based on and old Edgar Casey type that breaks molecular iodine into its I¹ atomic structure. It is the iodine I personally use for myself and my children and is ideal for iodine sensitive people with pre-existing thyroid conditions meaning it is the easiest iodine to administer, though not the cheapest to use.
There are other forms in both tablet and liquid, even the ones that can be used topically are effective in reducing people’s vulnerability to radioactive iodine. (Do NOT drink topical antiseptic iodine products such as Betadine — these products are not suitable for human consumption. They are povidone-iodine mixtures.)
I have to be honest and tell you it’s a great time to be living in the southern hemisphere. The radiation levels down here will be much delayed and much reduced and the deep valley where my Sanctuary is being finished feels very protective because it is ringed with mountains.
I just spent the first few nights at my Sanctuary center deep in the interior of Brazil and the construction men are still running all over the place. I can’t wait to open Sanctuary to the world but am not so sure there will be much of a world on its feet in just a few months’ time as the financial world careens out of control. I listened to an excellent video last night that predicts that when the next earnings reports of major corporations come out in July it will be curtains for the stock markets as the nuclear disaster is taking the real economy, and thus earnings, down like a rock.
It was such a pleasure to feel the magic of being surrounded by Nature, hearing the rivers flowing around Sanctuary. No Internet, so great to be away from all the bad news and able to concentrate on finishing my manuscript for the Radiation Toxicity Syndrome book. It is an overwhelming challenge that is taking me, according to my assistant Claudia, too much time so I will come out first with the iodine book focused on the radioactive issue.
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I think it’s a great time to take a vacation from the north or at least get the women and children out of harm’s way. It’s simply not a good time to be gambling with the safety of our loved ones—with the possibility of a greater explosion at the Japanese nuclear power station with a resultant massive release of radiation that travels far and wide across our planet. Men and professionals particularly have to sometimes stand their ground and even sacrifice their lives like the men are doing at the nuclear plant but we don’t have to risk our children.
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Many of the men in the Titanic had to encourage their women and children to get on the lifeboats without them. But in this case, if a miracle happens and there is no worse-than-imaginable-case scenario, and all-clear sirens sound, then families can be reunited. The next few weeks or months will tell us a whole lot about our futures.

Original article from Activist Post by Dr. Mark Sircus. He is a natural health expert and self-sufficiency advocate. He is the author of several must-read books including titles such as Survival Medicine For the 21st Century, Winning the War on Cancer, and Humane Pediatrics. You can find all of Mark’s informative articles at his website IMVA.

No end in sight for Fukushima disaster as bureaucrats battle the laws of physics

In Human Rights, Japan, Society, World News on April 12, 2011 at 12:28 am

Clean drinking water...not self-evident for ev...

Image via Wikipedia

(NaturalNews) As the famous physicist Dr. Michio Kaku said on April 4th, “The situation at Fukushima is relatively stable now… in the same way that you are stable if you hang by your fingernails off a cliff, and your fingernails begin to break one by one.” ( That same article also refers to the Fukushima damage assessment by the NRC’s Nuclear Safety Team, which concluded that “cooling to the core of Unit 1 might be blocked by melted fuel and also by salt deposits left over from the use ofsea water.”

That’s the same seawater, of course, that has been sprayed onto thefuel rodsto prevent them from going Chernobyl. The unfortunate side effect of boiling off tens of thousands of gallons of sea water, however, is thatis leaves behind a lot of salt.Japannow appears to have an abundance ofradioactivesea saltthat’s unfortunately caked on top of the spentfuelrods and actually preventing much more water from reaching those rods. In a sense, sprayingsaltwater on spent nuclear fuel rods is sort of like spraying them with a slow-acting insulation. It’s only a matter of time, it seems, before that insulation make it impossible for water to keep the rods below meltdown temperatures.

Meanwhile, theMinistry of Economics, Trade and Industryhas mysteriously stopped reporting the dry wellradiationreading in Reactor No. 1. Why would they do that? Because no readings are far more politically correct than extremely high readings, of course. It all happened right after an “off-the-charts”readingof radiation in the drywell of Reactor No. 1, which TEPCO officials quickly dismissed as a broken radiation gauge (…). Sure, it probably is broken by this point due to its exposure to massive doses of radiation!

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The only way a drywell reading can attain such high readings, by the way, is if the nuclear fuel rods have breached their containment core.

Some of the readings coming out ofFukushimaare admittedly “immeasurable,” reported NHK World:

“A radiation monitor at the troubled Fukushima Daiichinuclear power plantsays workers there are exposed to immeasurable levels of radiation. The monitor told NHK that no one can enter the plant’s No. 1 through 3 reactor buildings because radiation levels are so high that monitoring devices have been rendered useless. He said even levels outside the buildings exceed 100 millisieverts in some places.”(…)

The truth gets diluted far more than the radiation

You’re not supposed to know any of that, of course. Although themainstream mediaclaims that all the deadly iodine-131 gets dissipated across thePacific Oceanbefore it can reach North America, the greater truth is that the facts about Fukushima are diluted and dispersed long before they reach our shores. The result is an ongoing dangerous cover-up of what’s really happening there.

The mainstream media, of course, is blatantly engaged in an effort to suppress any scary-sounding information that might emerge about Fukushima. For example, a Forbes blog entitled“Radiation Detected In Drinking Water In 13 More US Cities, Cesium-137…”which contained the text, “Milk samples from Phoenix and Los Angeles contained iodine-131 at levels roughly equal to the maximum contaminant level permitted byEPA…” has mysteriously disappeared, leaving just an empty shell of a page in its place. See the following link to find out if they’ve brought it back yet:…

The story, fortunately, has been preserved over at…

With a few exceptions, the only stories that appear to be allowed to remain online are those that claim current radiation levels are “harmless.” For example, this story from parrots the usual “don’t worry about radioactivemilk” line:

Testing of milk samples inArizonashows radiation levels that are thousands of times lower than a federal threshold that would cause authorities to take action, a state oversight agency said Friday. While the Arizona Department of Health Services has logged some concerns from the public following the Japanese nuclear incident, there is no reason to stopdrinkingmilk, a department spokeswoman said. “I don’t want to trivialize it, but it is trivial,” Laura Oxley said. “It’s thousands of times below any action level that we would need to do.”(…)

Here come the pumping trucks

Have you ever seen an airplane swallow a truck? Check out the photos at…

There, you’ll see a massive Russian cargo plane gulping down a 95-ton “Putzmeister” concrete pumping truck that’s being flown to Fukushima in order to spray more water on the nuclear fuel rods which continue to spew deadly radiation. The fuel rods are still indangerof reaching criticality (further meltdown with explosions), so the plan for now is to keep hosing them down with water.

This water, of course, becomes highly radioactive and eventually gets released into the Pacific Ocean. Right now, the amount of radioactive water being released tops50,000 tons(over 12 million gallons). (…)

This process of dumping radioactive water into the Pacific will reportedly continue fordecadesunless some other clever solution can somehow be put in place. Alongside all this, Hidehiko Nishiyama, deputy director-general of the Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency (NISA), has mastered the art of Jedi mind tricks, saying, “We cannot say what the outlook is for the next stage… As soon as possible we would like to achieve stable cooling and set a course towards controlling radiation.” (…)

In other words,these are not the droids you’re looking for.

Notice, if you read between the lines, he is admitting the radiation is NOT controlled, and stable cooling has NOT been achieved. And really all they’re doing ishopingto have a plan on how to somehow achieve that.

Far from stable

Remember when we were told two weeks ago that Fukushima was “on the verge of stabilizing?” How’s that for clever spin?

In contrast, ABC News (which has probably had the very best reporting among the MSM) recently carried this sentence: “A confidential assessment by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission obtained by The New York Times suggests that the damaged Fukushima Daiichi plant is far from stable. The report concludes that the Fukushima plant is facing a wide array of fresh threats that could persist indefinitely.” (…)

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It continues with:

…though a major leak in a maintenance pit of the plant has been plugged, there is still a great likelihood that significant amounts of radioactive water will continue to be released into the Pacific Ocean; the worldwide Just-In-Time manufacturing cycle has been interrupted; and increased levels of radiation have been detected on the U.S. East Coast.

Remarkably,CNNis now carrying a story that appears to openly acknowledge the Fukushima situation may be all but hopeless. Written by Matt Smith, thearticlesays: (…)

A month into the crisis, the utility acknowledges, there is no end in sight. The problems are so far “beyond the design capacity” of the plant that the Japanese are working in uncharted territory, said Michael Friedlander, a former senior operator at U.S.nuclear power plants. “No nuclear power plant has ever considered the inability to get on long-term core cooling for more than a week, much less three weeks,” Friedlander said.

Murphy’s Law strikes again

Ah, that pesky Murphy has worked his magic yet again, it seems, interfering with the best-laid plans of arrogant men who stupidly believe they have conquered thelawsof physics by having a backup diesel generator nearby. Now we’re hearing announcements out of Japan that all futurenuclear powerplants must have TWO diesel generators on site, not just one.

Murphy laughs at such ignorance. How is two diesel generators better than one when they’re both fifteen feet under water?

That such a preposterous suggestion is even being considered proves once again just how utterly out of touch with reality the nuclearindustryremains. Why not just pass a government rule that outlaws earthquakes?It would have approximately the same effect.

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